PLEASE JOIN US THURSDAY NIGHT FOR A FREE TASTING! Thursday, November 5th, 2015 6pm – 8pm The Wine Thief Downtown 181 Crown Street, New Haven Stop by Thursday night to try some of Ipswich Brewing’s delicious, unfiltered, unpasteurized beer. Ipswich Brewing has been operating from the north shore of Eastern Massachusetts since 1991. This is […]
PLEASE JOIN US THURSDAY NIGHT FOR A FREE TASTING! Thursday, October 29th, 2015 6pm – 8pm The Wine Thief Downtown 181 Crown Street, New Haven Stop by Thursday night to help us welcome a new brewery to the Wine Thief! Great South Bay Brewing, of Bay Shore on Long Island, has been making quality beer […]
PLEASE JOIN US THURSDAY NIGHT FOR A FREE TASTING! Thursday, October 15th, 2015 6pm – 8pm The Wine Thief Downtown 181 Crown Street, New Haven Dan Nieves representing Jack’s Abby will be joining us Thursday, so we have pushed the tasting back one hour, from 6pm until 8pm!! Sorry for the inconvenience. Jack’s Abby, out […]
PLEASE JOIN US THURSDAY NIGHT FOR A FREE TASTING! Thursday, October 1st, 2015 5:30pm – 7:30pm The Wine Thief, downtown 181 Crown Street, New Haven This Thursday we have a special selection from the West Coast. If you haven’t had any Alesmith yet, you’re in for a treat! Come down to check out some rare […]
Free Tasting Tonight The Wine Thief 181 Crown St. New Haven, CT 06510 Friday, September 25th 5-8pm “Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink, I feel shame! Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink […]
Educating Palates at BAR The Wine Thief in The Back Room at BAR 254 Crown Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Tuesday, October 6th, 6:30pm $40 all-inclusive Come join us in the venerable Back Room at Bar for another installment of the Wine Thief’s Educating Palates. Numerous large brick oven pies will accompany ten wines […]
Fun Fact: the Agave plant is not a cactus. It is actually botanically classified as a succulent. AGAVE TASTING September 23, 2015 Meat & Co 7-9pm Contrary to popular belief, Tequila can be used in ways other than a margarita or slammed between salt and lime. Join us this Wednesday evening as we explore the wonderful and nuanced world of agave based […]
PLEASE JOIN US THURSDAY NIGHT FOR A FREE TASTING! Thursday, September 24th, 2015 5pm – 7pm The Wine Thief, downtown 181 Crown Street, New Haven This Thursday TIBCO’s own Nathaniel will be pouring some delicious hand-crafted beers. Come down to check out some awesome brews produced just a few miles down I-95. […]
Free Tasting Tomorrow The Wine Thief 181 Crown St. New Haven, CT 06510 Friday, September 18th 5-8pm “Great wine is about nuance, surprise, subtlety, expression, qualities that keep you coming back for another taste. Rejecting a wine because it is not big enough is like rejecting a book because it is not long enough, […]